Weight loss

no motivation to lose weight


It is pretty easy to lose the motivation to lose weight. I know one of the things that have stopped me in the past are setbacks to my training.

Playing sports for so many years have led me to suffer with many injuries and very tight muscles. As a result, I have found that I have picked up many injuries and they have stopped me dead in my track.

When I think back to a few years ago in 2017 I lost a lot of weight and was in good shape, and then a shoulder injury to throw my training out and I lost motivation.

However, I have learned from this, and it has made my weight loss efforts better and has allowed me to give better advice to the clients I train.

I now realised that as my part of my motivation to lose weight I have to plan for the worst and mentally prepare myself to expect a setback.

The logic behind this is that if I expect it, it wont surprise me and lead me to feel demotivated.

When my expectation was that month by month I would keep progressing without setbacks, I felt so deflated as soon as I came across a big hurdle.

Looking back this has now made me realise how important mental preparation, planning and mental toughness is when it comes to weight loss.

Something I probably underestimated.

That is one of the reasons why I have failed to lose weight in the past and had to start again. However, the reason you may lose motivation is probably different to mine.

The reason I am writing this article is to help you learn what it maybe that is holding you back from fulfilling your true potential.

I want this article to loosen the mental shackles that could be holding you back, and to give you the tools you need to finally lose weight once and for all.

I am going to share with you the 13 reasons you have no motivation to lose weight.

The experiences I am going to share are based on things that I have discovered through personal experience, as well as tried and tested methods that have been researched.


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