You are about to embark on a journey to help you be healthier and happier. If this is your first time, don’t let it stop you from reaching your goals.
You need to know that you are not alone, and every day new users arrive at our spaces, who have never trained in any gym, and our vocation is to help each of them achieve their goals.
Benefits of exercise
Inactivity is considered one of the primary sources of risk for chronic diseases. That is why the practice of moderate sports is so important in all of our lives. Whether on a physical or mental level, the benefits of physical exercise are immense.
It improves the quality of life well-being and reduces the risk of cardiorespiratory diseases. These are just some of the reasons to start training. The importance of moving our body is unquestionable.
In addition to the better known physical benefits, physical activity has a massive impact on mental health. Physical exercise contributes to the production of neurotransmitters that enhance well-being, which give us feelings of happiness and energy.
After all, we reach a state of wholeness when we find the perfect balance between mental and physical health.
Furthermore, physical activity is associated with better labour income and increased productivity. After seeing the list of benefits, you may go for a run wearing training clothes and your athletic shoes.
That said, here are some tips and things you should know to start your workout!
The skin contains several types of glands, some of which produce sweat. When the sweat glands receive signals from the brain, they release perspiration through the pores.
As soon as the brain detects that the body temperature has risen above 37°C/ 98.6°F, it sends signals to the sweat glands to produce and release a liquid: this liquid – sweat – cools the surface of the skin by evaporation. When we are hot, active, nervous or stressed, the sweat glands produce more sweat.
Each person has between 25,000 and 50,000 sweat glands in the armpits.
It is only a tiny percentage of the total sweat gland value (approximately 1.6 to 4 million sweat glands in the entire body). They are denser under the arms, on the palms of the hands and the palms of the feet.
As underarm sweat is “trapped” – also due to clothing – and cannot escape, this is where it tends to become more visible.
Fresh sweat has no smell; it is odourless. It can cause wet spots and thus become visible to others. The undesirable and unpleasant body odour occurs only when bacteria feed on proteins and lipids (contained in sweat).
Know what may be causing excessive sweating
1. Little by little
Start small, set realistic goals; Achievable goals don’t happen overnight. Commit yourself to a minimum of days to go to the gym. 3 or 4 days a week is enough to start if you can come more often, great!
2. Establish a routine
Follow the routine prescribed in your Initial Orientation. Let your teacher know which days and times of the week are best for you, and be consistent. Remember that it can take 9 to 15 months for your body to get used to a routine before it becomes a habit.
3. Inform yourself… but well!
It’s essential to be well informed when you start working out in the gym. The best and worst part of the Internet is that there is infinite information and, therefore, a lot of misinformation. Trust only accredited professionals. Of course, always refer to your Personal Trainer or tutor in the classroom about doing an exercise. It’s much better to ask if you’re unsure how to do it than to do it wrong and get injured.
4. Start with the basic moves
Start with some basic exercises to increase your workout difficulty as you gain more confidence. For example, don’t start with a barbell squat until you’ve learned how to do a squat with your weight. It’s always more important to start slowly and be consistent.
5. Consider taking group classes or having a personal trainer
Group lessons are great for two reasons. First, someone tells you exactly what to do and how to do it.
Second, they are generally more demanding and fun than when training alone. In addition, you can put into practice what you have learned in the classroom and apply it to your solo training – the Body Pump class is an excellent example of this.
Oh, please don’t be shy and go to the front row. You must get a good look at the instructor to make the moves correctly. It might also be a good idea to schedule some sessions with a personal trainer if you want to set more demanding goals (or have more specific health conditions) early on.
6. Find a training partner
Training with someone will help you stay motivated, stay steady and have more fun. And if you go with someone who has more experience, you can also learn and incorporate it into your training. If you don’t know anyone, motivate a friend or family member.
7. Try new exercises
Change your workout routine periodically. This way, you will prevent your body from getting used to the same exercises, and you will more easily notice the progression. Try an RPM class, lift weights in the gym, take a swim in the pool, whatever you want, but always try new classes and exercises.
8. Have fun
This is probably the most important part of all for reaching your goals. Nobody goes to the gym to get bored.
Focus on the activities you enjoy and enjoy the most. If you are training unmotivated, talk to your teacher, and it will undoubtedly help you find a new type of exercise or training plan to reach your goals while having fun.