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10 Foods To Eat Post-Workout (For Hypertrophy)

The correct choice of foods to eat post-workout will prevent muscle fatigue, increase endurance and still ensure Hypertrophy.

Many people think that Post-Workout eating is the most “stressed out” part of an athlete’s diet.

Others are mistaken in thinking that they should quickly ingest a fast-absorbing protein, but that’s not how it goes.

Therefore, in this post, we will bring situations that we should observe for the best performance of the muscles, the list of foods indicated to eat after training, and supplementation tips for the post-exercise period.

Why is knowing what foods to eat post-workout so important?

Regardless of the type of physical activity, the benefits they bring to practitioners are many.

Weight training is an example, as each workout helps for more muscle and bone strength and endurance and improvements in the circulatory system.

The attention of the pre-workout diet has as the main objective to keep the glucose balanced, thus avoiding the fearful hypoglycemia, besides helping to fulfil the whole sequence of exercises, among other things.

The foods to eat after the workout are equally important.

And the reasons for this concern are supported by several hypotheses. And one of the main ones we call resynthesis. The meaning of this process is interpreted as an episode of remaking the production of a particular element.

In the case of an athlete who does not eat properly post-workout, this could mean that the glycogen stores in the muscle and liver will be directed to supply the lost energy.

As a consequence, it affects the physiological and muscular performance of this athlete.

It is also estimated that – the first 30 minutes – after finishing a physical activity is the most suitable period to nourish the body with food to eat in the recommended post-workout.

Thus, the synthetase enzyme has maximum activity, bringing more benefits to the athlete, such as maximizing the glycogen transport, which is relevant in several ways.

What can we consider good foods to eat post-workout?

Much like the food suggestion in the pre-workout, it is essential to consume protein, carbohydrates, and plenty of fluids at the end of each exercise session.

The functions of each group can be understood as follows:


The carbs will replenish the muscle glycogen used during the workout so that the body won’t go into catabolism.

After the effort, carbohydrate intake aims to replenish glycogen stores and ensure the anabolic pattern.

As carbohydrate stores are limited in the body, a diet rich in carbohydrates is essential for muscle replacement.

After the end of the exercise, the ingestion of muscle glycogen must be complete, thus not compromising the practitioner’s recovery. Carbohydrate-rich foods with a moderate and high glycemic index should be your first choice of foods to eat post-workout.


The recovery process involves restoring liver and muscle glycogen stores.
Protein will also keep your body in an anabolic state, and at the same time, it will recover muscle from injuries during exercise.

Protein adequacy depends on energy intake; it makes no sense to increase protein consumption without proper energy adequacy.

However, it is still necessary to observe the excellent need for post-workout hydration. In addition to water, there are also other beverages, as we will see below.

What are the best sources of post-workout hydration?

Hydration is something that deserves attention during training and also when they are finished.

The increase in temperature that exercises cause is high. In 7 minutes of activity, the body perceives an average of 1.10 °C more to get an idea.

After a few 20/25 minutes, the body is hot, and the way to lessen the impact of high temperature is sweating.

For short-duration exercises (30 minutes), hydration can be done with water only. While for longer workouts (60 minutes), the use of isotonic drinks is recommended. These can be from natural sources, such as • Coconut water; • Fruit juice; • Milk; • Flavored water; • Isotonics. This way, it is clear that hydration, and how it should be done, should be considered when we think about food to eat post-workout.

How long after training should you eat?

However, along with sweating, electrolytes (sodium and others) are eliminated. When these are not replaced, the body responds with symptoms or hyponatremia itself (a disorder caused by the drop in sodium in the body).

As stated before – the first half-hour after training requires attention – mainly to avoid the lack of glycogen and consequently muscle catabolism.

According to a functional nutritionist, consuming one of the most recommended post-workout foods, protein, should be done faster.

The first 60 minutes are essential to recovering what the physical effort promoted to the muscles mainly.

It is prevalent for a person not to feel hungry after training, and this is normal precisely because of an increase in body temperature. Plausible justification for understanding why exercising is essential to lose weight.

However, when the idea is to promote health, the faster post-workout foods are ingested – the greater the response for promoting lean synthesis and maintaining immunity.

Post-Workout Foods with Proteins

Without being repetitive, but to reinforce the reader, it is known that carbohydrates play an essential role in energy supply. However, they are the proteins that help the most in muscle building. And the five most recommended are:

Ground Duckling

The amount of creatine in red meat is essential as an indispensable natural source for muscles, and that is why it is considered one of the best food alternatives to eat after training.

Chicken breast

The amount of creatine in red meat is essential as an indispensable natural source for muscles, and that is why it is considered one of the best food alternatives to eat after training.

Chicken breast

Like red meat, chicken helps maintain natural creatine.

Cheese (cottage)

Healthy snacks made with cottage cheese and some vegetables ensure quick replacement of carbohydrates and protein after training. Therefore it is worth incorporating in food to eat after a workout.


Eggs are sources of vitamins B12 and A, in addition to Selenium, Pantothenic Acid and Riboflavin.

It is also highly recommended in post-workout foods as it contains natural albumin.


Traditional fish fillets, or even Salmon, Tuna, sardines and seafood in general, can and should be part of the list of foods to eat after training.

Foods to eat post-workout with Carbohydrates

Sweet Potato Sweet

Potatoes are a complete food, full of minerals and a good amount of carbohydrates that are easy to assimilate.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Cassava Noodle

Cassava, cassava or cassava can also be included in the list of foods for after training as it contains carbohydrates and minerals.
Wholegrain or vegetable noodles help keep you feeling fit after training. It is also straightforward to associate with a protein source.


Fruits in nature or juices are essential in the list of foods to eat after training; they can also be used in protein shakes made with supplements.


Bread with increments of chia, flaxseed, special flours, rye and oats help to satiate quickly and guarantee immediate carbohydrates in the post-workout.

What is the best fruit to eat after training?

Fruits are indispensable among foods to eat post-workout!

They have fructose (natural sugar), are healthy carbohydrates, and various minerals, beta-carotene and vitamins, primarily type C.

Among some post-workout fruit suggestions are:

Banana: The amount of minerals in the fruit serves to replace potassium, essential for muscle relaxation quickly;

Watermelon: Rich in vitamins C, complex B, in addition to pantothenic acid, folic acid, potassium, calcium, biotin, we also find good doses of cucurbitacin (phytonutrient), beta-carotene and lycopene;

Orange: Ideal to replenish vitamin C and boost post-workout immunity;

Mango: In addition to a reasonable amount of carbohydrate, it also offers vitamins C, minerals, vitamin A and fibre;

Pass grape: This fruit contains an important polyphenol, called Resveratrol, which has an anti-inflammatory function, relevant for those who train hard;

Red fruits: The group that includes strawberry, blackberry, grape, açaí and raspberry offers high oxidative power, protecting cells from free radicals, in addition to providing vitamin C and polyphenols to athletes.

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